
Sébastien sheds light on the durum wheat market
Sébastien PONCELET (Agriculture, 2004, Beauvais), Development Director at Argus Media, shared his expertise with Terre-net. He analyzes the complex durum wheat market, a subject where Europe is struggling to find its balance in the face of historically low harvests.
Causes to bear in mind
- European production at an all-time low: With only 7 million tonnes (Mt), harvests are struggling to meet demand, particularly in France and Italy.
- Key players absent: Russia and Turkey, usually present on this market, are in retreat this year. Canada, with its 6 Mt, almost single-handedly dominates exports.
- Stagnating prices : Despite the tension on the European market, prices remain stagnant, with no prospect of a rise or fall between now and the end of the campaign.
Sébastien also highlights the specificity of the French market, where downgrades are frequent, making official quotations almost theoretical.
His interview can be found here: