
Richard BUXANT (Agriculture, 2012, Rouen) interviewed by Les Echos

08 April 2020 Association
Viewed 224 times

We invite you to read the article in Les Echos of 7 April 2020 where Richard BUXANT (Agriculture, 2012, Rouen), Product Manager at Wizi Farm, confirms the French enthusiasm to join "the great army of agriculture". Indeed, in just over two weeks, 240,000 people have registered on the platform created by the start-up Wizi Farm, called "Des braspourtonassiette", which works with the National Association for Employment and Agricultural Training (Anefa) and Pôle emploi.

Richard confirms: "Currently we still have 5,000 more every day," notes Richard Buxant of Wizi Farm. Among those concerned are many self-employed people, restaurant employees, students and even retired people".

We take this opportunity to remind you of the [coronavirus solidarity] which takes up the requests of the Alumni to find manpower or sell their production:

Do you also wish to advertise the sale of your basic necessities or call for labour? Send us at your needs that we will communicate within the network.

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