
What happens after UniLaSalle?

09 April 2020 Association
Viewed 614 times

This is the question that high school students who are ready to join UniLaSalle may ask themselves.

Emilie GARDIN (Agriculture, 2007, Rouen), Head of Upstream Promotion & Corporate Relations at UniLaSalle, Rennes campus, invites you to testify in order to give answers to the questions of young people and their parents:

"Due to the current situation, the school has decided not to conduct recruitment interviews with candidates in the 1st year and to select only our future students on the basis of their applications. This exceptional situation is in response to requests from Parcoursup and the Ministry. However, it forces us to rethink the process of accompanying the candidates in their final reflections, their final questions. The questions that are asked at the time of interviews to teachers, alumni and students on campus must be anticipated and disseminated to candidates via the school's website and our social networks. One of the most frequently asked questions is: "what do we do next?". So, I would like to ask you to collect a few very short testimonials, a few lines to help us in this process. Can you tell me:

What's your first and last name?
What training did you do, what year
What's your job, your mission, your background
What do you retain from your training
And if possible a picture of you
Below is an example:

I joined UniLaSalle Rouen in parallel admission 2nd year after three years spent in the BCPST prep class at the Chateaubriand high school in Rennes. Following my end-of-studies internship, I was hired by the Chambers of Agriculture of Brittany to promote Breton agriculture and agri-food, to create links between actors and communication operations. After 12 years, I decided to join UniLaSalle Rennes and to use my experience and networks for the development of the school in Brittany and the strengthening of links with local actors.

What I retain from my UniLaSalle training is the diversity of the training contents and teachers (school teachers, professionals & external speakers of very high quality).

Please send your testimonial to Emilie at

We thank you in advance for your participation in order to help us answer the students' questions ...


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