
Nathalie DE POIX (Agriculture, 1986, Rouen) grows spirulina in Charente Maritime.

06 April 2020 Association
Viewed 518 times

Nathalie DE POIX (Agriculture, 1986, Rouen) is the manager of a fish farm, located in Consac (17), in Charente Maritime. She cultivates and sells, among others, spirulina. She has a website La Spiruline de Haute Saintonge on which you can order spirulina to receive it by post.

"The spirulina Arthrospira platensis (spirulina in English) is a multicellular cyanobacterium: a micro-organism close to the "blue algae". A link between the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom, it appeared with the first living beings more than 3.5 billion years ago. This spiral-shaped filament, which measures about a tenth of a millimetre, contains more than 60 essential nutrients that are easily assimilated by the body. Spirulina is found in the warm, brackish and shallow waters of the intertropical belt. Under optimal conditions the strain grows 20% per day. The Aztecs who discovered its virtues called it "earth cheese". The Kanembou tribes in Chad who consume it regularly are preserved from malnutrition and enjoy a remarkable longevity in the local context. There are, and various strains are still being discovered in several places in the world: in India, China, but also in the Camargue," Nathalie explains.

If you are a spirulina enthusiast or want to discover it... here is a good address to order some. Nathalie says: "Our online sales page is operational and shipments via the Post Office are maintained. As it does not need signatures: it follows a path from box to box ... health security assured for the postman. All orders are therefore processed and shipped within 24 hours. Hydroalcoholic gel will be systematically used for order preparation."

Contact : Nathalie DE POIX

Phone : 06 67 31 47 60 - E-mail :

Website :

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