
Nadège on Yann Barthes' talk show!

21 November 2024 UniLaSalle Alumni Beauvais
Viewed 474 times

Nadège STEINER (née PETIT) (Agriculture, 2008, Beauvais), shared her experience on the set of Quotidien. Invited by Yann Barthès, she discussed with three other women farmers a subject close to their hearts: their choice to turn to the land, still a predominantly male field.

Passionate about agriculture, Nadège joined UniLaSalle with the aim of becoming an agricultural consultant. At the time, this profession offered few opportunities for women. An unforeseen opportunity led her to take over a farm with her husband, Nicolas STEINER (Agriculture, 2008, Beauvais).

While these women don't always feel gender-related barriers on a day-to-day basis, they point to the low representation of women in the governing bodies of the agricultural world: unions, cooperatives.... "Where do women fit in?" they ask. All are unanimous: self-confidence remains an indispensable asset.

The program was also an opportunity to revisit the anger brewing in the farming world. A sensitive subject, but essential to understanding the challenges facing the profession today.

With her story and her testimony, Nadège embodies a generation of women farmers determined to change attitudes.

Well done to this Alumni, who upholds the values and commitment of women in the world of agriculture.

Click here to watch the broadcast.

In the second half of the show, the four farmers presented what they produce. Nadège chose to stand out, showcasing a shirt and jeans made from flax fibers grown in France. The other guests brought their own cheeses. Their common message? "Stop importing what we don't want to produce in France and turn to local products."

From 8:50 here.

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