
Elouan and the Climatosportifs

10 September 2024 UniLaSalle Alumni Rennes
Viewed 129 times

Elouan LANNUZEL (Environment, 2023, Rennes), one of the first members of the ClimatoSportifs association. This association, founded in 2023, aims to encourage eco-responsible sport and mobilize athletes in the fight against climate change.

Recently highlighted in an article by ADEME, the organization highlights the importance of adopting sustainable practices in sport, whether in terms of mobility, food or equipment.

Elouan, always at the heart of the action, continues to invest in raising awareness of environmental issues in the sporting world. In particular, he took part in a round table discussion entitled "L'engagement de haut niveau: emmener la Bretagne vers des lendemain écojoyeux" at the Part Belle festival.

In the coming weeks, ClimatoSportifs will be present at several major events:

World Clean Up Day, September 22
Forum Séisme in Rennes, on September 26, with a presentation on responsible sport.
Salon Low Carbon France in Paris, October 11-13.
Impact & Match trade show in Bordeaux, on October 17.

These events will be an opportunity for Elouan and the ClimatoSportifs to continue promoting their vision of sustainable sport. If you'd like to meet them and discuss ecological issues in sport, these events are not to be missed!

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