Discover Cécile's portrait
04 April 2024
UniLaSalle Alumni Rennes
Viewed 236 times
After her apprenticeship at DI Environnement, Cécile COMMUNIER (Environnement, 2021, Rennes) became a Polluted Sites and Soils (SSP) engineer.
In this video, she opens the doors to her day-to-day work on the D5 site in Boulogne-Billancourt. Thanks to her engineering degree in environmental engineering, she has acquired the skills needed to carry out the various tasks entrusted to her, such as preparing field interventions and drafting diagnostic reports. Her main task is to monitorworksites and manage polluted sites and soils, as well as waste. Thanks to its know-how, the Alumni is in charge of project management and project management assistance, illustrating the commitment of DI Environnement's Remediation division.