

Trait d'Union, digital version

UniLaSalle Alumni offers you, in digital version, all the issues of the Trait d'Union, a quarterly magazine that talks about Alumni for Alumni!

Discover below all the issues over the last three years!


Click on each issue... and enjoy!

Rennes Campus

1st semester 2020

Rennes Campus

1st semester 2020

Rennes Campus

1st semester 2020

Rennes Campus

1st semester 2020

Trait d'Union, digital version

UniLaSalle Alumni offers you, in digital version, all the issues of the Trait d'Union, a quarterly magazine that talks about Alumni for Alumni!

Discover below all the issues over the last three years!


Click on each issue... and enjoy!

Rennes Campus

1st semester 2020

Rennes Campus

1st semester 2020

Rennes Campus

1st semester 2020

Trait d'Union, digital version

UniLaSalle Alumni offers you, in digital version, all the issues of the Trait d'Union, a quarterly magazine that talks about Alumni for Alumni!

Discover below all the issues over the last three years!


Click on each issue... and enjoy!

Trait d'Union, digital version

UniLaSalle Alumni offers you, in digital version, all the issues of the Trait d'Union, a quarterly magazine that talks about Alumni for Alumni!

Discover below all the issues over the last three years!


Click on each issue... and enjoy!

Trait d'Union, digital version

UniLaSalle Alumni offers you, in digital version, all the issues of the Trait d'Union, a quarterly magazine that talks about Alumni for Alumni!

Discover below all the issues over the last three years!


Click on each issue... and enjoy!

Trait d'Union, digital version

UniLaSalle Alumni offers you, in digital version, all the issues of the Trait d'Union, a quarterly magazine that talks about Alumni for Alumni!

Discover below all the issues over the last three years!


Click on each issue... and enjoy!