Alumni 2022 survey
28 out of 72 alumni surveyed learn about an event through an e-mail invitation
Most alumni find out about events via their e-mail inbox (39%), publications on social networks (28%), the UniLaSalle Alumni website (15%) and word of mouth (15%). 1% of those questioned said they didn't have access to information.
2% of Alumni surveyed say they get their information via the Trait d'Union, the Newsletter or through their child attending UniLaSalle.
We asked them about their preferred means of communication to keep them informed of upcoming events.
Total | Priority | 1erv | 2ev | 3e |
54 | In response to an e-mail invitation | 40 | 13 | 1 |
39 | Via social networks | 19 | 17 | 3 |
32 | Via the UniLaSale Alumni website | 9 | 8 | 15 |
3 | I do not wish to be informed | 3 | 0 | 0 |
1 | Other (Suggestion: Trait d'Union, "Coming soon" section) | 1 | 0 | 0 |
0 | By word of mouth | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- 26% of Alumni surveyed prefer the Newsletter for specific themes
- 24% of Alumni surveyed prefer the Trait d'Union Special Report for specific themes
- 20% of Alumni surveyed prefer conferences on specific topics
The choice of fields was multiple
- 28% of Alumni surveyed know about the Newsletter
- 17% of Alumni surveyed are familiar with the UniLaSalle Alumni LinkedIN page
- 14% of Alumni surveyed are familiar with the UniLaSalle Alumni website
- 12% of Alumni surveyed are familiar with the UniLaSalle Alumni Facebook page
48 out of 72 alumni read Le Trait d'Union
- 40 of them in digital version
- 8 of them in paper version
24 Alumni out of 72 do not read the Trait d'Union :
- for lack of time (11)
- because they don't receive it (5)
- because they don't subscribe (3)
- because they don't know Trait d'Union (3)
- because it's too long (3)
We asked 72 Alumni which sections of Le Trait d'Union they prefer to read (3 possible choices in order of preference).
Total | Priority | 1erv | 2ev | 3ev |
29 | Portrait | 13 | 14 | 2 |
28 | Institute | 17 | 3 | 8 |
28 | Special report | 10 | 11 | 7 |
24 | Alumni | 3 | 12 | 9 |
18 | Carnet/La presse en parle | 4 | 5 | 9 |
4 | Books and you | 1 | 0 | 3 |
0 | Recipes | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Information alumni would like to find in Trait d'Union :
- School projects and developments
- The school's ranking and the number of students each year
- Alumni life
- "Keep it up, don't change a thing
- Articles on the different courses of study
- Engineers' involvement in global warming
- The life of a graduating class
- Corporate life
- Job opportunities
- Atypical careers
- More concise
47 out of 48 alumni who read Le Trait d'Union are satisfied with a quarterly publication
46 Alumni out of 48 who read Le Trait d'Union are satisfied with its format
44 Alumni out of 48 who read Le Trait d'Union have no particular expectations regarding the themes of the articles.
60 out of 72 Alumni read the Newsletter
12 Alumni out of 72 do not read the Newsletter:
- for lack of time (9)
- read it irregularly/diagonally (3)
57 Alumni out of 60 who read the Newsletter are interested in the information published in celle-ci.
68 Alumni out of 72 have no particular expectations as to the choice of articles they would like to find there
69 Alumni out of 72 are satisfied with the frequency of the bimonthly newsletter.
69 out of 72 alumni do not feel the need to create another communication medium.
59 out of 72 alumni are on social networks and more precisely :
- 57 on LinkedIN
- 47 on Facebook
- 29 on Instagram
- 14 on Twitter
- 7 on Snapchat
- 1 on Tiktok
46 out of 72 alumni follow UniLaSalle Alumni networks
- 42 are on LinkedIN (40 find the information interesting)
- 26 on Facebook (22 find the information interesting)
Information and themes that Alumni would like to find on UniLaSalle Alumni's social networks:
- The evolution of the school
- Student projects
- School development issues and innovations created
- Not having the same information on the Facebook and Linkedin pages
- Other than Apéritifs Citadins
- Events, job offers, ...
- Career stories
- News from abroad
- Agricultural topics
25 Alumni out of 47 think they don't need the UniLaSalle Alumni application
18 Alumni out of 47 do not know the UniLaSalle Alumni application
2 Alumni out of 47 find it uninteresting
2 Alumni out of 47 don't know
If 54% of Alumni surveyed consult the UniLaSalle Alumni website, it is above all to stay informed, find information (14), consult the online Directory (13), update their profile (6), consult the agenda (3) and consult job offers (1).
If 46% of alumni don't consult it, it's because they don't have the time or don't need to.
Ideas and comments for developing communication tools and resources
- Propose, say every 5 years, a promo webinar or several associated promos to present the association's latest developments?
- Communication tools have improved considerably in recent years and are quite well managed.
- Communication is great and multi-channel, but the problem is how to interest people who are now autonomous in animating their alumni network without adding to the weight of information received professionally.
- Talking about careers and what's going on at the school, both in terms of training and community life.
- Less communication, but selected, targeted information
- Less convoluted questionnaires
- Targeted information by course and campus