
Théo-Paul HAEZEBROUCK, warns of cyber attacks on farmers.

17 October 2024 UniLaSalle Alumni Beauvais
Viewed 43 times

Théo-Paul HAEZEBROUCK (Agriculture, 2013, Beauvais), an expert consultant in digital agriculture, was recently interviewed by La France Agricole. The article tackles a key current topic: cybersecurity in the agricultural sector.

In it, the Alumni explains how farmers, who often run small farms, are just as vulnerable to cyber-attacks as any other business. He warns that unsecured or poorly configured digital tools can expose farmers to potential attacks. Concrete examples, such as remote access to milking robots, show that every technological advance must be accompanied by increased vigilance.

Beyond the technical issues at stake, it also raises questions about digital sovereignty and farmers' dependence on foreign technological solutions. What would happen if the major brands decided one day to cut their services?

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