
Pierrick BOURGAULT (Agriculture, 1985, Beauvais) invites you to discover ...

14 December 2021 UniLaSalle Alumni Beauvais
Viewed 229 times

... the bistros of the West !

Pierrick BOURGAULT (Agriculture, 1985, Beauvais) is a journalist and photographer specialising in the agricultural world.

Author of about fifty books, including fifteen on cafés, Pierrick shares photographs and stories "in homage to the men and women who keep them alive" in his latest book, Voyage dans les bistrots de l'Ouest, which has just been published by Ouest-France.

"Curfews and confinements have reminded us how precious these small places are, whether they are urban or rural. This collection bears witness to their multiple roles, as springboards for live music and wines by authors, as well as cultural melting pots for real human encounters, not just virtual ones, or simply for spending time", he confides to us.

To find out more, click here

You can also find Pierrick on Facebook

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