
Live from Vietnam, Clémence MARECAILLE (Agriculture, 2017, Beauvais) tells you about her daily life.

24 March 2020 Association
Viewed 379 times

Find daily news of Alumni facing the pandemic: between those who work, telework, confined to their homes at rest or even on the other side of the world ... We give you news!

Today, let's meet Clémence MARECAILLE (Agriculture, 2017, Beauvais) in LIFE at Dietaxion in Vietnam.

"Everything's fine here... for now.

When they arrived in Vietnam there were only a few cases in the north of the country, which they managed to maintain until the last few days.
No cases in Ho Chi Minh City (in the south) until last week (the cases are almost exclusively foreigners arriving by plane).

Since then, they have started to close bars, discos, swimming pools, gyms quarter by quarter, restaurants should follow. We are obliged to wear masks in places with a lot of people. So, even if I haven't really been outside since Monday (luckily, I have a balcony to get some fresh air!), I wear a mask all the time outside my apartment (I have the box of masks I bought in France before leaving).

As I can't go to see my distributors in other Asian countries and in Vietnam anyway, I've been doing mostly office work and Skype appointments in general since my arrival.

The only difference is that I decided this week not to go at all to the office of my "host company" in Ho Chi Minh City... since in fact, I was going to work there mainly to be with other people, and not out of necessity related to my work.
As a result, without much constraint, I decided since Monday to do home office at 100%, even if we don't yet have a general confinement obligation here (... it might happen soon I think). The idea being not to take unnecessary risks and to preserve everyone."

Find the portrait of Clémence in the TU #396 of March 2020 on page 16.



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