
Big news for Félix BONDUELLE (Agriculture, 2016, Beauvais)!
Félix BONDUELLE ( Agriculture, 2016, Beauvais) CEO and co-founder of Javelot has been selected by Citizen Entrepreneurs to represent France at the G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance.
The French delegation is made up of 23 entrepreneurs, "representing the diversity of the French entrepreneurial ecosystem in terms of sectors of activity, geographical distribution, stages of maturity of the selected companies and global vision."
The G20 des Jeunes Entrepreneurs(Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance) is a global network of young entrepreneurs. Its aim is to bring together delegations of young entrepreneurs from G20 member countries, ahead of the G20 political summit.
This year's summit was chaired by India in New Delhi.

Félix speaks at a round table to share his vision of AgriTech.
Presentation of the "Mighty Fibonacci Brands" award, which places Javelot in the top 10 impact brands among all the companies present in New Delhi.
Javelot is also a winner of the French Tech 2030 program!
There are 125 winning companies in this first edition. They are divided into 6 verticals, with Javelot in the "AGRI" category.
All these emerging innovation players will benefit from specific support from all government and regional departments, to help French deeptech nuggets emerge!