
Apolline, the Fermented Summer Drink

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We are delighted to announce that Arthur SARAZIN (Agriculture, 2023, Beauvais), co-founder of Apolline, has been awarded the START prize by the Normandie Estuaire network. This recognition underlines the innovation and quality of Apolline's natural fermented fruit drink, available in two flavors: Raspberry and Peach.

Apolline is a natural fermented fruit drink, with 2 flavors: Raspberry and Peach.
It's a drink that complements beer, cider and cocktails.
The idea is to follow in the same footsteps as these drinks in bars, for people looking for something new or who don't drink beer.

The drink is elegant and refined, with a beautiful amber color for the peach and a ruby color for the raspberry.

The drink has 3 key selling points:
- Low alcohol content (4.5%)
- Low sugar content (less than 8g per can)
- Low in calories (33kcal/ 33cl can)

Apolline can be enjoyed as a terrase in summer, with or without ice, on its own or with gin or vodka, in a beautiful stemmed glass.

You'll find her in the Le Havre region this summer and all over France next year.

The drink's name is a tribute to Apolline, a non-beer-drinking girlfriend who wanted an alternative to cider and soda. She was also fed up with having to pay a lot more for a cocktail when her friends were having a pint.

The START support program
As START winners, Arthur and André will benefit from individual support from a company manager, as well as group support within the winners' club. This support includes a €15,000 honor loan. They will also have access to a vast network of 14,500 local, national and international business leaders.

The main objective is to create at least five jobs over the next three years. The benefits of this support include securing the company's creation, making the project sustainable, and rapidly achieving profitability, thus ensuring solid, sustainable development.

With this distinction, Apolline is ready to conquer new markets and offer an innovative and refined alternative to natural beverage lovers. Congratulations to Arthur on this achievement and on Apolline's promising future!

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