Events calendar

Sainte Barbe Lunch, Après-midi and Cocktail dinner for students & Alumni & parents

Sainte Barbe will take place on Saturday November 30, on the Beauvais campus.

The afternoon will be organized around two series of three workshops:

Program for the day (remember to sign up for the different slots on the day).

Sainte Barbe 2019, ask for the program!


0012:00to 12:45Parents can have lunch with their child at theCROUS:

00However,to facilitate logistics and meal ordering, please register at 00meal.

00Paymentmust be made in advance to Nathalie LERMURIER (

  • by postal cheque payable to UniLaSalle
  • or on the online site, payment by credit card

1:30 pm UniLaSalle Alumni and the Geology Specialization welcome employees and parents to the Grand Amphi.

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Energy Resources, Management, Hydrogeology and Industrial Risks

3:30 pm Coffee break

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Mineral Resources, Digital (Geoinformation, Big Data, Modeling, Simulation), Geotechnics and Natural Hazards

5:30 pm Coffee break

18h00-18h30 Presentation of student associations

6:30pm Conference on Geosciences Research presented by Sébastien Potel, Ghislain Trullenque

7:30 pm Sponsorship of graduating classes 025 and 082 by Agnès COUSIN (Geology, 2008) - Assistant Astronomer - IRAP

20h00 Cocktail reception in the Agora

10:00 pm Party in the Student Bar

We look forward to seeing you there!

Registration deadline: Monday, November 25.

For parents, please log in via "inscription libre non membre".

Alumni and students, please log in to your account using your login and password.

If you have lost or forgotten your login details, please contact

Saturday 30 November 2019
13:30 - 23:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 25th November
UniLaSalle - Agora
19 rue Pierre Waguet
  • Paying event depending on options chosen Participation

Registration closed

UniLaSalle - Agora

19 rue Pierre Waguet

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Saturday 30 November 2019
13:30 - 23:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 25th November
UniLaSalle - Agora
19 rue Pierre Waguet
  • Paying event depending on options chosen Participation

Registration closed
  • 619 registrants
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