Events calendar

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    1. 24 October 2024 to 31 August 2025
      Trait d'Union de 2024 subscription

      SubscriptionWould you like to receive the paper version of Trait d'Union? It's easy, just subscribe and receive it directly in your mailbox! 1-year subscription: €25 for 4 issues of 2024....

    2. Thursday 06 March at 19:00
      Centre-Val de Loire region: a visit to Amazone

      Regional event: company visit Presentation of the importer AMAZONE and its products

    3. Saturday 08 March at 09:00
      Open Day - Beauvais campus

      JPOContinuous all-day tours of the campus with students, discovery of the school's associations, discussions with teachers and specialization directors, meetings with the admissions,...

    4. Saturday 08 March at 09:00
      Open Day - Rennes campus

      JPOAll-day presentations with students, discovery of the school's associations, exchanges with teachers and specialization directors, meetings with admissions, international and...

    5. Saturday 08 March at 09:00
      Open Day - Rouen campus

      JPOContinuous all-day tours of the campus with students, discovery of the school's associations, discussions with teachers and specialization directors, meetings with the admissions,...

    6. Saturday 08 March at 11:00
      WE de promo Rouen (2004 and 2014 graduates)

      Alumni reunion. Dear Alumni, We'd like to bring you together on Saturday January 13, 2024, on the Rouen campus to celebrate your 10th and 20th anniversaries. It's a great opportunity to catch up...

    7. Saturday 08 March at 18:30
      Apéritif Citadin ROUEN (76)

      City aperitif Caroline LELONG, Alumni Network Manager, and Charlotte FACHE, Alumni Network Coordinator, invite you to an Apéritif Citadin at the All Sport Café, Quai Ferdinand de Lesseps, Rouen...

    8. Tuesday 18 March at 12:15
      Alum'leader: How to manage from a distance

      Hello everyone! The UniLaSalle Alumni "Career" team invites you to take part in a co-development workshop on the key theme of "How to manage at a distance ". Tuesday, March 18 at...

    9. Friday 21 March at 17:00
      Open Evening - Amiens campus

      JPOEvening tours of the campus with students, discovery of the school's associations, discussions with teachers and specialization directors, meetings with admissions, international...

    10. Saturday 22 March at 16:30
      UniLaSalle Alumni AGM

      Convocation UniLaSalle Alumni General AssemblyAntoine PAJOT (Agriculture, 2001, Beauvais) will be happy to meet you on Saturday, March 23, 2024, for the UniLaSalle Alumni General Assembly, at UniLaSalle Beauvais. Program and...

    11. Saturday 22 March at 19:00
      Cocktail - 74th Nuit de l'Institut

      Gala On the occasion of the 74th Nuit de l'Institut, the organizing team, the Institute and UniLaSalle Alumni invite you to take part in the Cocktail preceding the Gala. The cocktail...

    12. Friday 18 April at 08:30
      Club'Régions: visit to Cooperl (Brittany)

      Regional event: company visit Maëlle FISSELIER (Environment, 2020, Rennes) invites you to visit COOPERL, where she works as a Water and Environment Project Manager. For the text, see the elements to be...

    13. Friday 25 April at 18:00
      Aperitif Citadin - SAINT-BRISIS-LE-VINEUX (89)

      Claire GENET invites you to an Apéritif Citadin to be held on Friday April 25, 2025 at Claire's Farm, an Ultéria Ecosystem located at Champs Galottes, in Saint-Bris-le-Vineux...

    14. Thursday 05 June at 18:30
      Alumni Day 2025

      Apéritifs Citadins in France and abroad Have you heard of Alumni Day? Every year, UniLaSalle alumni from the Amiens (formerly ESIEE-Amiens), Beauvais (formerly ISAB/LaSalle Beauvais), Rennes (formerly EME) and Rouen...

    15. Saturday 07 June at 10:00
      UniLaSalle Alumni Board of Directors

      CA 2025 Event reserved for UniLaSalle Alumni administrators and representatives

    16. Saturday 15 November at 10:02
      UniLaSalle Alumni Board of Directors

      CA 2025 Event reserved for UniLaSalle Alumni administrators and representatives