
Paul TRONCHON (Agriculture, 1986, Beauvais) talks about the importance of home meal delivery for elderly or dependent people.
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Paul TRONCHON (Agriculture, 1986, Beauvais) is the founder of Saveurs et Vie, a personal services company specializing in the delivery of meals at home for the elderly or dependent people.
"Our priority is to ensure the continuity of meal delivery to the homes of the elderly, frail and handicapped. The safety of our beneficiaries and our employees is our priority. To this end, all the necessary hygiene measures are applied with the utmost vigilance and we are setting up "contactless" delivery until further notice," Paul confides to us.
A service maintained and appreciated during this period of health crisis. Paul congratulates his employees involved in this unprecedented crisis for the mobilization of all the players in his operational chain, the professionalism of all the teams and particularly of the watchmen and deliverers, and thanks the increasing number of testimonials of encouragement.
"A big thank you to Teddy, watchman-delivery man in Versailles (78), as well as to all our teams of dieticians, preparers and delivery men for their involvement and their benevolence in this difficult period," proclaims Paul
Besides, you can find Teddy on the France 3 TV news at 12/13 Paris Ile de France from March 23rd, 2020 by clicking here.
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