
"Where it leads when you sow": the podcast for farmers' wives

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Marion RICOUR ( Alimentation et santé, 2017, Beauvais), a farmer's wife, PhD in biology and health, young mother of 30, and friend to many farmers' wives, has observed, or even been confronted with, personal and professional reflections linked to their husbands' farming profession.

She has just launched her podcast "Où ça mène quand on sème" to give a voice to farmers' wives. The first episodes were released in March. You can discover them here

With this podcast, she wishes to discuss with them, and share, testify, broadcast... their personal and professional life choices, their joys, happiness and difficulties linked to the agricultural world... and thus share with these women numerous testimonies so that they feel less alone, to guide them in their choices, but also to break certain clichés with the general public.

To provide them with support and advice, through stories that are close to their situations. This podcast is aimed at everyone, and will be of particular interest to the farming world and other farmers' wives. It could be particularly useful for future farm wives, or for younger women wondering about the start of their professional career while their spouse is setting up.

The people she wants to record are farmers' wives, from all over France, from all types of farms (different sizes, livestock and crops, organic, integrated or conventional), living or not on the farm, working or not on the farm, of all ages... The diversity of profiles will bring richness to the podcast. The speeches will complement each other and will therefore be identifiable by a maximum number of listeners. The more diverse the profiles of the women interviewed, the more interesting the podcast will be, so don't hesitate to share it with others.

"They are the wives of cereal growers, potato growers, fruit and vegetable growers, cattle breeders, sheep breeders, goat breeders, poultry breeders and wine growers. They come from small, medium and large farms in every region of France. They come from the farming world or are discovering it day by day. They don't have children or are sometimes mothers of large families. After long or short studies, they may or may not work on their spouse's farm. They may have just started their professional careers or be young retirees... They are farmers' wives. Between helping out on the farm, and their love and family lives conditioned by the rhythm of the crops, the weather and the animals, these women are the mainstays of their farming spouses. But where do you think it leads when you're sowing?"

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