
From the underground industries at the heart of the recovery

26 May 2020 Association
Viewed 163 times

Back2Business, what is it?

100% digital and 100% free business meetings for players in industries related to the exploitation of the subsoil.

The POLE AVENIA, ISIFoR and Extra&Co, support structures in the field of underground industries, aim to federate underground actors and promote the ecosystem in France and internationally. They also aim to promote the value of the subsoil in the energy transition.

As actors of the economic development of the national territory and in order to help our members to bounce back in the face of the crisis, we have decided to collaborate in order to organize exceptional B2B meetings in the form of a 100% digital business convention: "Back2Business".

Plan up to 12 meetings in 1 day!

Back2Business, for whom?

This event is dedicated to all the players in the underground industries to face together and participate in the economic recovery of the country.

Why participate?

To broaden and/or strengthen your network
Developing collaborative projects
Create new business opportunities
Participate in the energy transition to promote recovery
Discovering new markets, new innovations, new technologies
Share your expertise and experience

Information and registration until 9 June on:

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