
Camille DEMETRAU (Agriculture, 2020, Beauvais) informs you about the LFDay by La Ferme Digitale from June 2nd on your screens! Sign up at
25 May 2020
Viewed 386 times
Camille DEMETRAU (Agriculture, 2020, Beauvais), Junior Project Manager at La ferme digitale reminds you that LFDay, the event dedicated to agricultural and food innovation, is back in a new format for the 4th edition!
As of June 2nd, discover the series of 10 free online conferences held every two weeks by agricultural and food market stakeholders.
This new format continues to reflect La Ferme Digitale's desire to create synergies, to bring forward ideas and to find solutions together in order to support and advance the agricultural sector.
Don't miss: TUESDAY 2 JUNE at 9:00 am #LFDayLive 1
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