
ESIEE-Amiens joins UniLaSalle

01 October 2020 Association
Viewed 691 times

As we have already mentioned many times, the world of higher education is undergoing profound changes which has led to the successive mergers ISAB-IGAL-ESITPA and recently with the Ecole des Métiers de l'Environnement (EME) to form the UniLaSalle Group. In the pursuit of this dynamic, discussions have been underway for several months between UniLaSalle and ESIEE-Amiens with a view to a merger. We are pleased to announce that the merger has just been approved by the authorities of both structures.

More than a simple merger, it is an ambition that has brought together the teams from the two schools: that of creating a polytechnic engineering school, positioned both on future-oriented themes (energy, digital) and on Earth, life and environmental sciences at the heart of today's challenges. Through this alliance, UniLaSalle and ESIEE-Amiens are demonstrating their strong desire to support companies and regions in their efforts to make the necessary transition to energy, digital and ecological technologies. The synergies created by the complementary nature of our two schools will result, in the more or less short term, in the training of new engineering profiles with hybrid skills, strengthened research resources, and closer links with businesses and local ecosystems.

As part of this dynamic, the alumni associations of the two schools (ESIEE Alumni and UniLaSalle Alumni) will start thinking about how to bring their networks closer together.


It was important to us to share this good news with you.

To consult the brochure "ESIEE-Amiens joins UniLaSalle" click here and to view the motion (video), click here.


Sincerely yours,

Philippe CHOQUET (Agriculture, 1987, Beauvais)   Antoine PAJOT (Agriculture, 2001, Beauvais)
General Director UniLaSalle   President UniLaSalle Alumni

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