
Climate change: which agriculture and which engineers tomorrow in France?

29 September 2020 UniLaSalle Alumni Amiens
Viewed 416 times

Pierre-Yves BERNARD, Lecturer-researcher in Agronomy and Head of the engineering cycle at UniLaSalle, Rouen campus, invites you to a videoconference with Frédéric LEVRAULT, PhD in Agronomy and "Expert Agriculture & Climate Change" for the Chambers of Agriculture, on Tuesday, October 6 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm on Teams.

After recalling the main mechanisms of climate change and highlighting some specificities at the French scale, Frédéric LEVRAULT will first analyze the consequences for our agriculture: effects already observed, adaptation possibilities, ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for some emblematic agricultural sectors. He will then explain how climate change is expected to affect the careers of future engineers, and how higher education can (and must) also integrate this future challenge.


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Presentation of Frédéric LEVRAULT

  Frédéric LEVRAULT, is a Doctor in Agronomy and "Expert Agriculture & Climate Change" for the Chambers of Agriculture. His work is dedicated to the adaptation of French agriculture to climate change, as well as to the means of mitigation.
  He created the concept of the Regional Observatory on Agriculture and Climate Change (ORACLE), a system dedicated to monitoring ongoing climate and agricultural changes and now deployed in ten French regions. Frédéric LEVRAULT has also set up the "ClimA-XXI" dynamic in collaboration with UniLaSalle Rouen (Pierre-Yves BERNARD, EC in agronomy) which enables Chambers of Agriculture to analyze the future consequences of climate change on agricultural production throughout the 21st century. More than sixty French Departmental Chambers of Agriculture have already joined this movement.
It is regularly called upon by political and economic leaders to enlighten them on the territorial challenges of adaptation and mitigation in agriculture. Frédéric LEVRAULT also relies on the younger generations since he teaches in various engineering schools and involves engineering students in some of his work. He defines himself as a mediator between the agricultural and scientific communities, considering that a good collaboration between the scientific and economic sectors is the key to the agro-climatic transition.

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