Capsule DD n°20
04 December 2020
Viewed 100 times
To listen to Capsule DD n°20, it is here.
This week's menu :
- The news of the moment: Caregivers in France, a key role for society and a competitive challenge for companies
- The echo of Unilasalle: Rifle Guide!
- The book of the month: The end of the megamachine by Fabian Scheidler
- Next week's agenda :
The Fresco of the Climate of the Beauvais Campus: December 8 (registration)
The Refedd forum: Thursday, December 10:
The SD Café on Friday, December 11th (on Teams at 1pm)
If you have a SD news item to pass on to the Capsule or if you wish to suggest a topic, just one address:
Have a good listening !
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