
Credit: 45-8 Energy

45-8 Energy: heading for the United States

16 September 2024 UniLaSalle Alumni Beauvais
Viewed 310 times

45-8 Energy, co-founded by Nicolas PELISSIER and Benoît HAUVILLE (Geology, 2007, Beauvais), has entered into a strategic partnership with H2Au to develop the Humboldt project in Kansas and the Fayette project in Iowa. These initiatives stem from a geological study conducted in 2023 with the support of the Natural Hydrogen Study Group (NHSG), and are designed to promote theexploitation of natural hydrogen and helium in the United States. The Humboldt project has already shown interesting concentrations of natural hydrogen (over 90%) and helium (around 3%).

These projects will be managed by H2Au, with 45-8 Energy holding a 40% stake in Humboldt and a 30% stake in Fayette. This ambitious partnership will be supported by a fund-raising campaign designed to accelerate the development of these resources.

In addition, 45-8 Energy is currently working on the first helium production plant in France and Western Europe. With the construction of a pilot helium production unit in the Nièvre region of France, commercial production will begin in September.

These projects are based on a geological and commercial research program to be carried out jointly by the two companies in 2023, and are designed to meet the growing global demand for renewable energies.

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