Obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes are just some of the major pathologies of the 21st century. Here, we discuss how diet can help prevent these pathologies and support those who suffer from them.
Profil des membres
Anyone working directly in the healthcare sector (including patient support).
Associations: AFDIAG, AFERO, Ligue contre le Cancer, SFN, SFNEP, SFSP...
Health plans: PNNS, Obesity Plan, Cancer Plan...
Competitive clusters: CBS: Cancer - Bio - Health; Eurobiomed; NSL: Nutrition - Health - Longevity; Vitagora: Taste - Nutrition - Health
Display map with group members
Alimentation & Santé, 2022, Beauvais
Responsable logistique, IDEEL GARDEN
Alimentation & Santé, 2016, Beauvais
Senior Manager Nutrition, Regulatory & Ethical Compliance (Siège international du groupe HelloFresh)), HelloFresh
BERLIN, Allemagne
Agriculture, 2019, Beauvais
Ingenieur d'études en recherche et développement, ADAMING
LOMME, France
Environnement, 2001, Rennes
Responsable qualité et RSE, JORDENEN
Marketing, Communication et Ingénierie des Produits Agroalimentaires, 2022, Rouen
Alimentation & Santé, 2014, Beauvais
Communication & partenariats, ID L'INFO DURABLE