The methanization sector, particularly in the agricultural sector, which has been revitalized in recent years, now needs to emerge and reach maturity. To achieve this, all players in the sector must work together to support and help its development. This means identifying and removing technical, economic, financial and societal obstacles, so that each member can make his or her own contribution.
Through the UniSalle Alumni network, certain alumni, through their companies, will be competing with each other but will have the same problems to solve or the same concerns. Our Club Pro' could therefore be a real asset. Furthermore, through this group we hope to facilitate exchanges between the various players in the sector, relay information to members and pass on their expectations to the relevant bodies (Pôle IAR's Bioenergies Community, Club Biogaz, Centre Technique National du Biogaz et de la Méthanisation, etc.).
Profil des membres
All Alumni, whatever their training or campus of origin (Beauvais, Mont Saint Aignan, Bruz, Amiens) working directly or indirectly in the methanization, biogas and/or renewable gases, bioenergies sector: design offices, assemblers, equipment manufacturers, developers, associations/groups, research organizations.