Agro supplies : producers and distributors


The supply sector is highly varied, from plant protection products to seeds and fertilizers. What's more, it is constantly evolving, whether deliberately (to save on inputs, increase yields, etc.) or as a result of change (regulations, the environment, the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy), changing industry needs, climate change, etc.). There are therefore many themes common to both producers of supply products and distributors. Through the LaSalle Beauvais Alumni network, some of our Alumni, through their companies, will be competing with each other but will have the same issues to resolve. Our Club Pro' could therefore be a real asset. On the other hand, through this group we hope to facilitate exchanges between producers and distributors, all in the service of agriculture.

Profil des membres

Anyone working directly in the agricultural supply sector: plant protection, seeds, fertilization, as well as professionals interested in the topics covered (farmers, para-agricultural organizations, etc.).


Seed companies: RAGT, Dekalb, Pionner, Semences de France, Syngenta, Euralis, Unisigma...

PPP (Plant Protection Products): Syngenta, Bayer Crop Science, BASF, Makkteshim, Monsanto...

Fertilization:Yara, Borealis, ICL Fertilizers, Groupe Roullier...

Distributors: Soufflet, Agora, Axéréal, Tereos, Vivescia, Agrial, Euralis...

Para-Agricultural: FNSEA, Chambers of Agriculture, FDCUMA, FDGEDA...

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132 results
Année de sortie
132 results