Last newsletter before the start of the new school year in September! A new school year with a few changes in the Alumni Service team: Caroline BUCAMP, who arrived in March 2021 to replace Euphélie FOUILLET, is leaving UniLaSalle for other professional adventures. We would like to thank her for her involvement in the network and wish her all the best for her future career. Regarding the functionalities of the www.unilasalle-alumni.fr website, a new criterion has been added to your Alumni profile, the origin of which we reveal below... The start of the 2022/2023 academic year will be rich in events, and we're counting on your participation to keep the network alive with Apéritifs Citadins, Entr'Actes, Promo Weekends and institutional events... The Alumni Department will be closing its doors for the month of August, and will be back in touch with you in September! In the meantime, we wish you all a wonderful summer!