You've probably seen them on the small screen... UniLaSalle alumni are regularly interviewed on the 1pm or 8pm news. UniLaSalle engineers are called upon for their expert opinions in their chosen fields, and we'll be sure to tell you about them in thenews section of theUniLaSalle Alumni website. And don't hesitate to send us your news directly on the site. In terms of news, March was a busy month: UniLaSalle is opening its veterinary school on the Rouen campus, Apéritifs Citadins in several French towns, Entr'Actes at the SIA and SIVAL, not forgetting the recent 30th anniversary of UniLaSalle Rennes I École des métiers de l'environnement. Other events on the horizon include the 20th anniversary of the Food & Health course on June 17 and 18! So we're counting on you to attend, and please let us know if you'd like us to organize an Apéritif Citadin or a Week-end de Promo!