It's customary to wish someone a happy new year, and that's just until January 31st! So we're in time... So, if you've slipped through the cracks and missed our greetings(home page of the website, "a new year" e-mail dated 01/01/2020, Facebook and LinkedIn social networks), we'd like to take advantage of this January Newsletter to wish you a very happy new year 2020, with a number of not-to-be-missed events: - Alumni Day on Thursday June 4, 2020 (organization of Apéritifs Citadins around the world),
- the Entr'Actes at various trade fairs (don't hesitate to consult the website'sAgenda regularly)
- the Saint-Eloi & Marthe and Saint-Barbe events on Saturday, October 3 and December 5 respectively.
- And a first gathering to formalize the Ambassadors' network - we'll tell you more soon!
In order to limit the number of e-mails we all receive, and to provide you with relevant information, the UniLaSalle Alumni team is proposing to send you the newsletter every two months in 2020. We hope that this frequency will be more in line with your expectations, as our aim is to keep you as informed as possible about the network, the school, events and job offers in your sector. If you'd like to keep
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Alumni News
Welcome to the 412 new graduates!
The Alumni Association congratulates the new graduates and welcomes in its network : - 172 new...
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An Alumni network connected to the four corners of the world!
UniLaSalle Alumni are active and know how to defend their school's colours! Whether on student...
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Evacuation of the population at the foot of the Cotopaxi volcano
Benjamin BERNARD (Geology, 2005) is a volcanologist at the Institute of Geophysics in Quito...
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Share your research
As part of the research initiation seminar, Benjamin DARDÉ (Geology, 2015) presented the results of...
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Bérengère LAFEUILLE (Agriculture, 2007, Beauvais) winner 2020...
... of the Prize for Scientific Information for the Public of the French Academy of Agriculture! ...
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François TERMINET (Geology, 2019) shares his first news
Fukushima, you know it? Find here the first article "Fukushima: a difficult decontamination" by...
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Valentin TRAINEL (Agriculture, 2018, Beauvais) with the Minister of Agriculture of Canada
Currently living in Canada, Valentin TRAISNEL (Agriculture, 2018, Beauvais) met with Marie-Claude...
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New on the site!
Do you know the latest news on the site? You can now, from your profile, write an email to all...
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Hélène LUCAS (Agriculture, 1982, Beauvais)
Hélène LUCAS has just been appointed President of the INRAE Bretagne-Normandie Center. Research...
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Institute News
UniLaSalle dans le top 3 des écoles d'ingénieurs où il fait bon étudier !
Choose my company vient de publier le classement des meilleures écoles et universités d’après les...
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Une balle de golf écologique créée par quatre élèves-ingénieurs d’UniLaSalle !
Pierre DELANNÉE, Charles CUGNET, Louis ROUSSEL et Adrien MORIN (Agriculture, 2020, Rouen) quatre...
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Venez participer aux UniTechDays Elevage !
Venez participer le 6 février prochain aux UniTechDays Elevage, une journée technique organisée par...
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TEDxUniLaSalle "Nouvelles appréhensions du monde"
Mardi 3 mars 2020, les élèves-ingénieurs d'UniLaSalle organisent la 2e édition du TEDxUniLaSalle,...
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Nuit de l'Institut : 14 mars 2020
Nous vous rappelons que la Nuit de l'Institut se déroulera le samedi 14 mars. Envie d'y participer...
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Sébastien WINDSOR élu Président des Chambres d’agriculture, et réélu Président d’UniLaSalle
Philippe CHOQUET (Agriculture, 1987, Beauvais), Directeur général UniLaSalle a le plaisir de vous...
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