Another rich year is drawing to a close, and the network is on top form, with unprecedented mobilization for major events such as Agora 2019, on the Beauvais campus, and the 100th anniversary of ITPA.ESITPA.UniLaSalle Rouen, but also to support the school at JPOs and student fairs, or to work with students and alumni thanks to Coaching Emploi! We receive more and more information about alumni news, and we'd like to thank you for it. It enables us to keep your websiteup to date, and to share it on social networks(Facebook and LinkedIn) to give it full visibility! So there's just one address to remember: alumni@unilasalle.fr. Several dates are already on the horizon for 2020, whenUniLaSalle alumni, students and employees will be together, so mark your calendars: - Graduation ceremonies on Saturday January 12 for the Beauvais campus and Saturday March 21 for the Rouen campus,
- Institute Night, on the Beauvais campus on Saturday March 14,
- JobDating Apprentissage, on the Beauvais campus, Thursday April 9
- the 26th Ovalies on May 8 and 9 in Beauvais, with the new sponsor,
- Alumni Day on Thursday June 4, when we'll be challenging you to beat the record of more than 400 alumni gathered all
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Alumni News
Alumni products at the school shop!
This is a first and we hope not the last! So'Chèvre brand spreads are on sale at the school's...
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Share your knowledge
They regularly come back to the school to share their experiences, to teach the engineering...
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They are also present at student fairs!
Ongoing interventions, Open Days, student fairs... The Alumni are present to defend the colours of...
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Take stock of 2019 and look towards 2020!
These were the objectives of this Administrator Meeting on Saturday, November 30, which took place...
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Hommage à un père qui lui a tant appris
Cédric BRON (Agriculture, 2018, Beauvais) est heureux de vous partager un nouveau projet : le...
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Connaissez-vous les nouveaux paysans maraîchers de Langouët ?
Louis MAILLARD (Environnement, 2016) fait appel au financement participatif sur Leetchi pour...
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Belle accélaration pour Marjolaine NANTILLET (Alimentation & Santé, 2018)
Le 20 novembre dernier, Marjolaine NANTILLET (Alimentation & Santé, 2018) accélère le développement...
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Le Trait d'Union #395 est sorti !
Retrouvez le dernier numéro du Trait d'Union de l'année 2019 en cliquant ici. Le Trait d'Union,...
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Formation You are Called !
Vous êtes un(e) ancien(ne) élève d'une école du réseau LaSalle ou presque diplômé(e)? Vous êtes...
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Les petites annonces sont de nouveau en fonction !
Vous souhaitez faire paraître une petite annonce ? N'hésitez pas à mettre votre offre ou votre...
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NIU présent au ChangeNOW Summit à Paris !
Le ChangeNOW Summit 2020 est la première Exposition Universelle des solutions pour la Planète qui...
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