Entrepreneurship at UniLaSalle

The division's missions

UniLaSalle's entrepreneurship center provides training and support for entrepreneurship inUniLaSalle'sareas of expertise (all campuses).

Who's it for? For everyone! Students (from the first year upwards), alumni and a few outsiders whose projects fall within our areas of expertise for their research and development atUniLaSalle.

When can you apply? Whatever the stage of development of your project, you can call on us to analyze your needs and put you in touch with the team or partner you need.

The team

UniLaSalle group

Gaëlle KOTBI

Business Creation Programs Coordinator

UniLaSalle group


Entrepreneurship Officer

Amiens Campus

Marie-Christine PETIT

Head of Humanities and Corporate Training

Amiens Campus

Adrien BRACK

MakerSpace Manager

Beauvais Campus


Lecturer and researcher HUMAN department

Rouen Campus

1st semester 2020

Rennes Campus

1st semester 2020

Labellisés Alumni

The UniLaSalle Entrepreneurship Label supports and promotes entrepreneurial projects that respect UniLaSalle's values and expertise.

The news