
Are you looking for a job or changing careers?

12 July 2023 Association
Viewed 443 times

Several tools are at your disposal on the UniLaSalle Alumni website!

In the Services > Careers tab, you'll find various blocks:

- JobTeaser offers internships, work-study programs and jobs for students and recent graduates,

- Alumni Offers are offers posted by Alumni (so it's easy to contact them if you need more information, since you have direct access to their profile) and job offers for more senior positions,

- JobTeaser: Boîte à Outils offers help on various modules useful for job hunting,

- APEC: Boîte à Outils is another way to access complementary tools for your job search,

- Coaching Emploi explains what it's all about and how to benefit from it by putting you in touch with an Alumni Coach who is an expert in your chosen field,

- Your Career Center contacts are the UniLaSalle Career Center consultants on your campus, who can be contacted for guidance and advice.

Don't hesitate to indicate in your profile"actively seeking employment" (Current positions tab > Professional situation) and, if necessary, to add a"job filter" available under your profile photo. UniLaSalle Alumni's partner recruitment agencies will be able to spot you easily!

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