
What is the future of the food industry?

29 October 2019 Association
Viewed 272 times

As part of the Rencontres régionales de la recherche et de l'innovation des Hauts de France (#InnovHDF), the Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat Hauts-de-France is organising with UniLaSalle, Tuesday 26 November 2019, a day dedicated to innovation in food crafts. "How do artisan bakers, pastry chefs, butchers... innovate today and will innovate tomorrow to meet the new expectations of consumers? ", that's the question!

On the agenda: round tables, presentations and tasting workshop of the products developed as part of the AVENIRS project* (

Registration for Tuesday, November 26th (10am - 4:30pm)

A project in which Cécile BUCHE (Food & Health, 2012) is actively involved alongside the entire UniLaSalle scientific team.

In Trait d'Union #393, we presented the AVENIRS project (European Handicraft Vector of Intelligent Nutrition and Responsible for Health).

To learn more about the AVENIRS project, go to the school's page by clicking here.

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