
Louis-Dominique DOUDIEUX (Agriculture, 2018, Beauvais) Administrator and passionate about Agriculture !

21 July 2021 Association
Viewed 644 times

Do you know Louis-Dominique DOUDIEUX (Agriculture, 2018, Beauvais)?

Administrator within UniLaSalle Alumni, Louis-Dominique has integrated the Events Working Group.

Coming from a family of farmers, Louis-Dominique has been passionate about the world of agriculture since he was very young. It was therefore quite natural for him to enroll in the Agricultural Engineering program on the UniLaSalle Beauvais campus.

For his 4th year, he chose the "Consulting and Business Management" specialization and decided to do his final thesis at VIVESCIA, a French cooperative group specializing in cereals based in Reims (51).

"My training and the internships I completed confirmed my choice", he confides.

Louis-Dominique is currently a cereal buyer for VIVESCIA. "My father has always been keen to market his own cereals and I believe that the family farm model has guided my path", he explains.

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