
Le Trait d'Union #410 is out!

21 December 2023 Association
Viewed 489 times

Le Trait d'Union #410,UniLaSalle 's alumni magazine, has just been published and is available in its digital version here.
This issue provides alumni from each campus with the latest news from their school, including articles on

  • Tomorrow starts here, UniLaSalle's new signature
  • The launch of the new UniLaSalle Rennes Chair, headed by Arnaud HUMBERT-DROZ (Environment, 2000, Rennes)
  • The design of a perfume at UniLaSalle Rouen
  • Inauguration of the Usine-École at UniLaSalle Amiens, with the participation of Christopher DEVERNAY (Energy Engineering & Digital Systems, 2003, Amiens)
  • The launch of the ALIMCARE project at UniLaSalle Beauvais.

In this issue, we'd like to put the spotlight on these alumni, who are active within the school itself: Dany HULOT (Environment, 2012, Rennes), Pascal BARRIER (Geology, 1984, Beauvais), Nicolas DAILLY (Energy Engineering & Digital Systems, 2003, Amiens) and François-Xavier DE LUCA (Food & Health, 2010, Beauvais).

As for the Special Feature, you'll be able to discover the alumni who work on a daily basis in these companies that want to produce energy differently, because it's our duty to mobilize to reduce our energy consumption.

In the Alumni section, we'll be taking a look back at the class weekends of 132, 152, 149 and 007, who have decided to return to their campus, not forgetting our six octogenarians from the 100th class, who now get together every year. Other events at the end of 2023: St Eloi - Ste Marthe, Ste Barbe, Entr'Actes... and a moving tribute from fellow geologists to Philippe OTT D'ESTEVOU (Geology, 1980, Beauvais) who passed away this summer.

To continue receiving Le Trait d'Union from March 2024, don't forget to subscribe!

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