
Inauguration of the Factory School 4.0

24 October 2023 UniLaSalle Alumni Amiens
Viewed 171 times

Numerous alumni were on hand to discover the brand new Usine Ecole 4.0, testifying to their attachment to their former school which trained them to become today's engineers.

Christopher DEVERNAY (Energy Engineering & Digital Systems, 2003, Amiens) plant manager at Procter & Gamble offered to donate machines to the school so that UniLaSalle students could learn about the technologies used at PG Amiens. The idea was to formalize Procter's support and thank the school that trained him and gave him the means to develop within the multi-national company.

The Usine-École was developed in response to the "Territoires d'Industrie 4.0 : anticiper les compétences de demain" (Industry 4.0 territories: anticipating tomorrow's skills) call for expressions of interest by Sonia LAHLEB, a teacher-researcher, and aims to solve the problems of attractiveness, training and support in the industrial sector. It is part of the expansion of the Amiens campus' training offer, which includes a new Bachelor's degree in digital engineering, open since the start of the 2023 academic year.

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