
Invitation to the launch of the Chair AllianceAgriAvenir

08 January 2020 Association
Viewed 291 times

We are pleased to invite you to the launch of the AllianceAgriAvenir Chair to be held on Friday, January 17, 2020 on the Rouen campus of UniLaSalle. Would you like to attend? We invite you to do so via the registration link in the invitation below :






The UniLaSalle Polytechnic Institute and Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine are joining forces to launch the AllianceAgriAvenir Chair, in partnership with the Normandy Regional Chamber of Agriculture, the Valorial competitiveness cluster, AREA Normandie, and the Eureden cooperative group.

Friday 17 January 2020 from 10.30 am to 4 pm

at UniLaSalle - Rouen Campus

3 Rue du Tronquet, 76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan


In the presence of:

Nicolas Denis, Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine

Pascal Lheureux, Chairman of Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine

Philippe Choquet, General Manager of UniLaSalle

Sébastien Windsor, President of UniLaSalle


Who are we?

The AllianceAgriAvenir Chair is intended to be a space for collaboration and project creation in order to support family business communities in the agricultural and agri-food sectors. The Chair aims to contribute to the sustainability of this entrepreneurial model across the generations.

Placing the family model at the heart of its reflections, the Chair is structured around three axes, all of which are vectors for perpetuating the family farm and agri-food business: transmission/takeover; organizational collaborative innovations; and the territorial dynamics of the Greater West.

A place for reflection, sharing and development of new knowledge, the AllianceAgriAvenir Chair is involved in three activities: research and field exploration work; knowledge transfer to different audiences, students and professionals; dissemination and sharing of good practices during various events.


Programme :

10:30 am: Welcome

11:00 a.m.: Opening speech by Sébastien Windsor, President of UniLaSalle and Karine Laval, Director of Research and Development at UniLaSalle and presentation of the Chair by Maryem Cherni, Teacher-Researcher, Strategy and Innovation and Tarek Abid, Teacher-Researcher in Management Sciences - Marketing

Message from Nicolas Denis, Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine and Pascal Lheureux, Chairman of Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine

A word from Philippe Choquet, General Manager of UniLaSalle

11.30 am: Presentation of the Chair's partners: Rémi Laurent (Normandy Regional Chamber of Agriculture); Sandrine Grosbois (Valorial competitiveness cluster); Philippe Le Vannier (Eureden)

12h00: Closing of the morning by Marie Lummerzheim. Signing of the convention

12:30 : Lunch Cocktail

14h00 : Round table moderated by Maryem Cherni and Tarek Abid on the "Levers and brakes of the transmission/takeover of family businesses in the agricultural and agri-food sectors", with Emilie Bonamy (Executive coach and consultant at ELB Conseil, Paris), Antoine de Lombardon (Lawyer in Environmental and Public Law), Guy Bagland (Administrator and Treasurer Terre de Liens Normandie) and Ludovic Dufour (Farmer in Seine-Maritime, Land and agricultural expert).

3.30 pm: End of the round table and closing speech by Maryem Cherni


Registration :


Partners :


Institutionals Partners :


Contact : Alice ROYER
In charge of communication 

UniLaSalle - Campus de ROUEN 
3 Rue du Tronquet - CS 40118
Tél. :+ 33 2 32 82 91 63 

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