
Clémence DRY in L'Amour est dans le pré !

28 November 2024 UniLaSalle Alumni Rouen
Viewed 1309 times

Clémence DRY (Agriculture, 2017, Rouen), made her mark on this season of L'Amour est dans le pré. After several weeks of emotions and encounters, the show revealed a happy ending for the Alumni.

Right from the speed dating session, the connection between Clémence and Bruno was obvious: natural exchanges, sparks flying, and a real crush. On her return to the farm, Clémence, an agricultural engineer, shone through with her knowledge of the farming world and her simplicity. At ease in this environment, she quickly found her place.

After a smooth harvest, the couple cemented their romance on their first romantic trip to Portugal, where they shared precious moments in the heart of an olive grove. With so much in common and so much in common, their story is off to the best possible start.

We wish Clémence and Bruno all the best for the future, full of happiness and joint projects!

The replay is available here from 7min15.

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