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Sainte Barbe 2020

A month of December without Saint Barbe ? Impossible! Let's make Covid an opportunity and not a constraint.

What is the advantage of a virtual format ? To be able to have the Alumni who can't usually be present because they live on the other side of the world. This year, there will be only one round table, but it will be federative for all our students: Geologists abroad, a career in expatriation. A 2-hour conference on the afternoon of December 4, bringing together alumni from all time slots, that's what our network is all about!


Many of you have been worried about not having news from Saint Barbe or not being asked to testify. Thank you for your vigilance! It took us a little time, and a lot of agility, to rethink this essential time of our community, and thus to be able to communicate to the attention of the alumni.

The format chosen is therefore an interactive webinar. There will be a "festive" morning with screens interposed, the 5th years preparing a 100% virtual (and disguised) show to their classmates. The afternoon will be more professional, aimed at students and their parents by honoring their classmates whose presence is made impossible in terms of logistics in the traditional format. And it's a real pleasure to finally be able to welcome them and have them participate! There will therefore be a first conference at 2pm bringing together alumni from Oceania, Africa, the Americas and Europe for a time of interactive exchanges. A meeting on jobs and integration sectors is also planned at the end of the day for parents, led by Elsa Ottavi-Pupier, director of training.


To all the alumni, to those who are used to the round tables and/or the cocktail party that follows, to those who are far away but who have not been contacted, to the most discreet, to all those who bring the history of our school to life in their own way and who would have liked to be present: the format of the webinar unfortunately does not allow us to invite you all to attend. We already know that you will be understanding, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that we will be able to meet again in 2021 "for real". In the meantime, we're thinking of you, take care!

Friday 4 December 2020


Pascale MARCHAL GRIVEAUD (Geology, 1993, Beauvais)
4 years ago
Bonjour, et comment pourra-t-on aussi suivre à distance ces interviews ? Cordialement Pascale Marchal Griveaud
Sandra BROCHERAY (Geology, 2010, Beauvais)
4 years ago
Bonjour Pascale,
Le logiciel de webinar a une composition importante mais néanmoins finie...
Nous priorisons actuellement les inscriptions des étudiants et de leurs parents (et du "staff" qui occupe aussi des places). Je prends bonne note de ta demande : s'il nous reste des places, tu recevras une invitation par mail à ton adresse de contact indiquée sur le site Alumni. Te remerciant par avance de ta compréhension, bien amicalement, Sandra
Sandra BROCHERAY (Geology, 2010, Beauvais)
4 years ago

il nous reste des places pour le webinaire, si des anciens sont tentés d'y assister ! bien amicalement, Sandra

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Friday 4 December 2020
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